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help for a novice?


hi, can anyone help with advice on this, can the back ground colour be changed to a light blue from the orange? also any help on how best to do it if its possible! thanks10695104_10204707486476719_236555391_n.jpg
This image has been altered before so it's never going to be as clean as it should be.

But the best way to change the color in this case is to add a Hue & Saturation adjustment layer, select colorize, adjust the sliders to suite.

10695104_10204707486476719_236555391_n copy.jpg
If you have any questions or problems, just let me know.
i have tried but im struggling to get it as clear as yours? i know as you say its already been altered before but mine looks a lot patchier than your version?
OK, try this...............make a duplicate of what you have so we don't mess it up.

On the duplicate, Go to select, color range, set the fuzziness to 70, with your mouse select the smoke coming out of the gun, click OK.
You should have a marching ant selection of the smoke and the "Dirty Harry" text.
Fill the selection with white. (Paint bucket tool)
Hit Command/Control + D to deselect.

Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 5.36.47 PM.png
Your supposed to see the trigger guard....it makes up the lips.
