Hi There. First time posting to the forum, so thanks in advance for your help. I'm a very basic photoshop user, and looking to edit the header of my website at planitnz.com.
I've nearly got it figured out, just stuck on one aspect. What I'm trying to do is change the image that sits at the very right underneath the "Your Planit NZ" text. I've got the file edited with a new image sitting correctly. I'm stuck on how to get the blue overlay to set above the photo. I know I need to edit a second one for when you mouse over that doesn't have the blue overlay.
I've nearly got it figured out, just stuck on one aspect. What I'm trying to do is change the image that sits at the very right underneath the "Your Planit NZ" text. I've got the file edited with a new image sitting correctly. I'm stuck on how to get the blue overlay to set above the photo. I know I need to edit a second one for when you mouse over that doesn't have the blue overlay.