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Help creating a Logo?


New Member
First of all, THANK YOU! This forum is a godsend. Love photoshop, but not a pro by any means.

I am attempting to make a Logo for my business. I'm a photographer, and have till now just used a watermark with my name in Zapfino font.

I want to take this branding further. My Idea is to have my signature in conjunction with elk antlers or a mountain outline, etc... turned into a logo/watermark. I have a lot of images that have interesting outlines which I think could be turned into a logo, I am just not aware of how to do it.

Do ya'll know of any vid's on the web, instructions or anything like that that could help me? Or, do you feel brave3 enough to offer some help? thanks alot. Dan

PS I have photoshop cs4 and use lightroom for the majority of my work.
I'll see what I can do, I have done other logos for photographers
I think I have what I want...

But how do I finish it? I several version of the logo/watermark finished. I saved them as a .PSD to be able to use them.

However, when I try to use them in lightroom, or during other sundry times, I get the message that the file size is too large for good clean use. So, how do I finish this product so that it is a usable size, one piece log. What is the correct way to save it, etc. for external use?

Thanks again

I'm assuming that with all the layers, etc... that the file size is too large?

Also, why, though it is transparent, does it seem to save in a location within a certain box? Meaning, there is space above and left of the logo which affects margins, etc... as shown in pasting it above. Rather than just the logo taking up space on the file, the transparent background occupies space too, why is that?
reduce the size of the surrounding area save as png your golden

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