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HELP! Can someone put me in flames plz? Plz Read!


New Member
Hello, thank you for reading.

I'm a newbie graphic artist. I have a friend who is totally weirded out by one of my avatars. She says it looks like I'm going up "in flames". It kinds does... anyway, I have another pic of me, and I was hoping to find someone with some time to kill, to touch up this pic and put me in flames. I'm looking for the best "in flames" "burning up" and "roasting in hell" pick possible.

My thanks to you in advance... so here's the pic of me that is weirding her out.


..and here's the picture that I have that I would like, if possible, to be put "in flames". Ala the Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here." cover.


again, thank you for this!
so out of laziness you asked another to do it ........ Shame on you.BURN BABY BURN! LOL ;)
