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Help, Brush Identity


New Member
I've recently started using photoshop again, and I came across this program that gave a lot of brushes, i believe its called 22 pixels Pack, which gives a lot of brushes, fonts, and other features. I've used this one brush for a background use


Don't worry bout the text and other pictures on there, but the background was used by a brush. If you still don't understand what I'm saying, Um, I'm not talking about the black background, I'm talking bout the Yellowish Brush background, that has the edges all faded out. What I want to know if the Identity of the background I used, Like I wanted to create that same yellowish brush background again, and It seems that I cant find it, any ideas?
If you can`t find the brush you want in the original collection, pick an area you like and make a new brush from the Yellowish Brush background and save it.
