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Hello! (:


Well-Known Member
Hey there everyone, name's Alexander, I'm a soulless ginger from the little midget shaped country Denmark! :P

So uhmm, I've never been really been the big forum person and all, but my growing passion for photoshopping and the fact that it's summer holiday made me make a user here. I can hopefully become way more experienced and have a great time here which I'm looking forward to! (:

And if you're wondering how a 16 year old guy like me could get the hands on photoshop, I haven't pirated it, luckily my school has given us all the master collection of the adobe package (yeah I feel lucky o_o!!!)

Excuse me for my not-so-good english, it's not my native language :P
Welcome to PSGurus, Alexander.

It's a worthwhile activity to enjoy your summer break. You never know - you may improve your skills to the point you may decide to take up Design as a career.

Do take part in the forum activity and don't hesitate to ask questions, big or small.

Wow, that sounds pretty neat, I'm afraid my skills will never reach such a point, though I have a tumblr page with a few works of mine, but I can't link and I guess it would be advertising? :P

Oh sounds great, I actually do have a question, do I have to exceed a certain number of posts before I can change my profile picture or am I just too retarded to find the button where you can do that? (:



(if the smileys creep you out, please tell me :P)
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Hi merlinman, welcome to the forum. Yeah, that's a great school. Can I enroll?

And don't say your skills will never reach such a point. If you have the passion to pursue it, and a little talent (never hurts), hang in there and go for it. This is a great place to learn and have fun at the same time.

You have enough posts to add a link in your signature now and your tumbler site doesn't sound like advertising to me. Don't worry, we'll let you know if it is. :mrgreen:
Aww haha thanks alot, yeah my school is great, I'm paying to stay there though, we all live in small apartments together, it's a bit like a college :D! The only one of it's kind in Denmark I think! :) Haha people would be happy if a girl joined, out of the 60 students on my year 2 of them are girls :P

Ohh, that sounds great, I'll work on a signature today then! :D
Here's a link for my tumblr, but most of it is really weird stuff:
Aww haha, sounds awesome, Denmark is not the place to go by the way, nothing interesting here I swear xD

Means loads to me when you say that though, I thought it was a big bunch of not-creative stuff :X! It's kind of embarrasing but I have no motive I have no idea what the outcome is when I try to fiddle around with the effects in photoshop, I just kind of keep messing around untill I get something that looks funny, then I upload it :P
Aww haha, sounds awesome, Denmark is not the place to go by the way, nothing interesting here I swear xD

Means loads to me when you say that though, I thought it was a big bunch of not-creative stuff :X! It's kind of embarrasing but I have no motive I have no idea what the outcome is when I try to fiddle around with the effects in photoshop, I just kind of keep messing around untill I get something that looks funny, then I upload it :P

That's what everyone thinks about where they live :P It would be very different from Texas so I'm sure I would love it.

That's an awesome way to learn about all the effects and tools in Photoshop. You will stumble upon some great tools that way!
