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Hello World


New Member

I am really new to photoshop and I don't really know what I am doing so please be nice to me!:cry:

I think its really fun though

See you later !!!:)
Nobody knows what they are doing when they start out. It's not like Adobe gives you an owner's manual or anything.

Trial and error - mostly error - taught most of us, I'll wager.

idk if you coded before or not in visual basics or c++ but photoshop is like that you will get frustraited allot but one day one moment you will be like I GOT IT but it will take some times i havent got to that stage yet but i coded before and i think that is what it would feel like and dont worry one thing you wont see in this fourm is people being mean they are allways nice to you and inspire you sure they will tell you your errors too but what is the point if they dont WELCOME ANY WAYS HEHE
