Hi everyone, I am a Ps beginner who needs a crash course. I found this forum and I thought this might be a great place to help me achieve my goals. Here is my situation, I have about two months to do nothing but photoshop, I mean all day...everyday. I am interested in all aspects of photoshop, but I would like to start my career by working for a photographer as a retoucher. So.. I would like to concentrate on those aspects of Ps that will get me to that goal first. My long term goal is to become a "Guru" too. I have seen books and dvd's and things but, I don't know if its the best thing for me....for example. Creativelive.com has a downloadable called "Ps, the 6 month course" by Jason Hoppe. As well as "Ps 0-60"....anyway, I may be starting to ramble. I appreciate all advice/recommendations etc...I hope I can eventually contribute to this forum..thanks