Hello To Anyone,
My name is Brandon, I am a student who has been hopping schools for a few years now. I am ultimately trying to get a solid interactive design degree. I started in an expensive private art school and freaked out by the debt that I was accruing so I transferred into an incredibly cheap community college in order to take all the GE credits required to get into a State University. It's about a year and a half into it and I'm now preparing to apply at a very competitive university. I came to this forum in the hopes of meeting some digital artists to get advice and critiques on my portfolio pieces. I'm a little nervous because I don't know much at all about photoshop, but I have lots of ideas and I want to make some more pieces for my portfolio review.
My name is Brandon, I am a student who has been hopping schools for a few years now. I am ultimately trying to get a solid interactive design degree. I started in an expensive private art school and freaked out by the debt that I was accruing so I transferred into an incredibly cheap community college in order to take all the GE credits required to get into a State University. It's about a year and a half into it and I'm now preparing to apply at a very competitive university. I came to this forum in the hopes of meeting some digital artists to get advice and critiques on my portfolio pieces. I'm a little nervous because I don't know much at all about photoshop, but I have lots of ideas and I want to make some more pieces for my portfolio review.