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Photoshop Gurus Forum

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Hello I'm Charles!


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm Charles. Been doing graphics for a while now. I have a website and 2 YouTube Channels I can link anyone who is interested. I do lots of tutorials and stuff, so I plan on contributing a lot of tutorials to the forums. :)
Heya There Charles Welcome to PSG! :D

Tutorials are always helpful to not only us, but other people too I look forward to seeing your contibutions!
Thank you, I'm assuming only Photoshop tuts though right? I do tuts in several programs. illustrator, AE, Ps, C4D, ETC
You can Place Forum-Based Photoshop tutorials in this Subforum
and Video Photoshop Tutorials in this Subforum :D

There is also an "Adobe Illustrator" Forum Here, an "After Effects" Forum Here and a "3D Programs" forum Here in which I'm sure people will love to read through your tutorials for Other Programs ;)

There is also an Adobe Flash forum and CorelDraw/CorelPainter Forum too if you use those ;)

All of these Subforums are listed under "Other Graphic Design and Media Programs"
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