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Hello! Give a guy a hand?


New Member
Photoshop gurus I am hoping to edit this photo, and I am trying to make it romantic for this girl.

From what I'm learning this is what I've done.
If anyone was looking for a challenge and wanted to give there professional touch I would be very thankful!
Ahhhh to be that young again...gazing off into the sunset with great expectations. Perhaps you might like the "tinted" version a bit better.
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While the image posted by the OP has its share of problems (eg, yellow, oversaturated, slightly soft, supernova teeth and other blown highlights), and it is good practice to try to help out such problems first, one should ALWAYS follow the physician's rule of "do no harm", ie, don't make it worse.

I spent 95% of my time working on the above problems. Then, once I got the subjects as good as I wanted for this little demo, then dropping in any background takes only seconds. A '60's, poster-like, muted tiled rose (the flower, not the color) background was the 1st thing that came to mind because I knew I had some nice images of roses to use, but there are lots of other backgrounds that might be more to the taste of the OP.

Tom M


  • 529434_10150954659817771_869821172_n-01_acr-ps04a-02jpg-xnv_lo_rez.jpg
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You guys look so nice, I think the photo would also do very well with a painterly look.

It's too bad that her teeth were so overexposed, but with a bit of effort, even that problem could be fixed.

Tom M


  • 529434_10150954659817771_869821172_n-01_acr-ps06a_oil_efx-frame-copyright-01.jpg
    803.1 KB · Views: 3
Wow these are nice, thanks guys!
*Jessica- Yeah Romantic was defiantly the wrong word to use, I was hoping people would work with the scratch.

Tom, This photo is excellent! Great job you defiantly got this.
Tom the last photo was amazing! I was hoping to maybe expand upon the photo more, as my skill is not yet at your level as you can tell from my attempt at constructing a viable picture. Can I please try working on the photo without the copyright?
Haha..had I known Tom was going to post his rendition I probably wouldn't have posted my lame work. Beautiful job Tom!
This forum is primarily for educational purposes.

This task is sufficiently complicated that, IMHO, you should submit a request to the "Freelance - work for fee" section (ie, http://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum/...rvice-section/ ). It's a support-the-starving-artist sort of thing: We don't undercut each other with any substantial amount of free services.

BTW, if you decide to submit it there, I'm sure you will have many takers (possibly including myself) and the fee will be very reasonable. I also suggest that you submit a much higher resolution version of the image.

Tom M
