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Hello From the Hills of Middle Tennessee


New Member
My name is Jim. I'm newly retired from the federal govt. I've had CS5 for about a year now and frankly haven't used it that much. I use it more now that I don't have to go to work any more. Its mainly for correcting
screwups that I make in photos that I take. I'm reading through a book on CS5 and also viewing training videos on lynda.com.

My hobbies are woodworking and photography. I currently use a Canon D650 with a D400 and a D300 in reserve.
Tried in vain recently to get the camera raw plugin for CS5 but apparently the 7.1 download only works in CS6.
Getting CS6 right now is simply not possible. Oh well...greetings from the Midstate.

Welcome to PSGurus, Jim.

What PS book are you reading? Great cameras you got there.

As a hobbyist , CS5 isn't bad for a start. Post whatever querries you have and browse the forum halls for all the knowledge you need. Upload your works and take part in all activities you'll find here.

Camera raw is a great tool for photographers. You can do much the same in Photoshop of course, but it takes more steps. I thought CS5 automatically came with Camera Raw . . . apparently not. Have you tried writing to Adobe to see if they have an older version plugin available? You might also go to the Adobe Community Forum and see if you can get some advice.

Meantime, you can get a lot of help here on this forum and likely give a lot of help too. Welcome to PSG.
