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Hello From Reno Nevada


I have never used PS before. I am happy I found this community and hope I can get some suggestions and learn from all of you. I live in Reno Nevada where I teach at the University. Sometime, by next week or so I am getting my IMac and will install PS. I do some photography, nothing serious though. I would like to create some fine art work with PS.
Welcome to the forum. And always remember, the key to success with Photoshop is having fun.

I don't really need to tell you this, but learn the basics. My favorite tutorial site is lynda.com but there are others. As Paul said, enjoy.
Not quite sure what that means chris...

Welcome to the forum Koan. Hope to see some of your work soon as you progress up the Ps ladder lol. There are plenty of us here that will help you through some sticky moments. I know there will be alot to take in, but once you've grasped the basics, you will be popping work out like no ones business lol.
well, it'll all be worth it at the end...or quit half way and never know the sweetness of PS
