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Hello from Canada to all moderators and active members...

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I joined Photoshop Guru's today and after some positive encounters I had with Mark on Talkgraphics.com.
I joined Talkgraphics and now Photoshop Guru's because of the positive attitude Mark has towards any members, old or new.
The last couple of years I became more and more interested in design, reason why I started to use Photoshop months ago. Some of my web-design and photography skills help me bit to get me on my way, but it's still a long way to discover all the possibilities of Photoshop.
Anyways, I hope that we can all help each other any way we can and since I'm member #75, I see it as my challenge to pull new members to this forum/site to make it 100 :)
Also, nice to meet you Erik and Kiwi.
voice from the grave: "Welcome, number 75". [:I (hahahaaa)

Good to have you here. Join the party, join the fun and be shure that all your questions about PS will get an answer.

I read your postings at over at TG and yeah, you'll feel home here.
welcome Gaussian .. you'll learn a lot here and have fun at the same time. great place, friendly folks...challenges are really fun and educational too...

if you are looking for another challenge besides pulling new members to this forum, try counting how many names Kiwi has! his "names" are scattered all throughout this forum so good luck!.. but the most obvious one is "John" :bustagut: so as you can see this is really a friendly and fun place. its likely that you'll get a new "name" over time... hmm.. I thinking why not "#75" :D

have fun

Hi and welcome Gaussian........... welcome welcome welcome to the guru house he he he - no song is sacred in this house :bustagut: glad to hear you have come to join in the madness and fun B7
look forward to seeing some of your work
Welcome Gaussian :)

I think everyone else has pretty much covered everything,so kick off your shoes and relax :D

Hi All!...Thank you Mark for getting back to me so quickly and directing me to your site. I had visited the 'old forum' a few times but never really took advantage of what it had to offer. Namely, lotsa tips, tricks and fun. I'm not used to 'forums' and suspect it'll take a while to get used to the "how to's " in using it. Should be fun! :)
Hey hiya Gaussian & Sue! :D

Glad you could both make it over here.
Pull up a chair and get cozy!

I think you'll enjoy the company. [honesty]
Welcome you two, just jump in and join the madness we might all be crazy but it keeps us from going insane he he he
You know its a very wierd feeling to be reading all of this past stuff, I fel like im rumaging through someones journal/diary or somehting [confused] [stuned] Disturbing the past [sly] 8[ Well, gaus. We're well o'er 100!!! :D :bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut: [honesty]
Gaussian: Oh yes, I will, I already posted 4,500 times in 1 day
:bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut:

[saywhat] Man, he's fast!!!!

;) Thanks Alistair for opening up this thread! It gives me a chance to welcome Gaussian 'aboard'! ;)

:D Welcome aboard Gaussian... enjoy your time here!!!! :righton:

Now how's about a little Photoshopping!!!! :P %}
:bustagut: Hey, Gaussian...... I missed this last year [saywhat] [shhh] .

Welcome to the forums, reginald. Looking forward to see your posts, words of wisdom, and more pictures of you for the Cannon thread.

:bustagut: :bustagut:

:bustagut: Vee!

Vee... more pictures of you for the Cannon thread
:D That would be good!
I knew it just didnt seem right..... [stuned] [stuned] [stuned] [stuned] [stuned] [stuned]
cudos to you, you got me good. ;\ :B
