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Hello everyone!


New Member
Hello there! My name is Hampus a 18 year old guy from Sweden that seeks so get better at photoshop.

I'm starting my senior year in "Swedish - high school" (after that it's time for 5 years of "college") and recently signed up for a class in photography.

I've been familiar with PS since I was 15, not really knowing what power it possesses once you know how to use it properly. I saw that you could participate in a school contest designing our new calender book that all students have, all over Sweden, and I thought of giving it a shot but first I need to learn a lot about PS!

So here I am looking for advice from more experienced designers so that I can get better and really enjoy working in PS!

My favorite part of ps is photo manipulation btw!

I hope to hear from you in my future threads and wish you all luck with your projects!

