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Hello Everyone


I just upgraded from Elements to Photoshop CC and I'm looking for a forum to help me out. I'm a retired home user that uses photoshop primarily for the entertainment of my grandchildren.
Hi Klister and welcome to PSG!

Please feel free to join in or post your own threads with any questions you might have. We/I would love to see some of the entertainment you've provided for you grandkids!
Hi Klister - Obviously, a big welcome from me as well! Why don't you post some of the images you've worked on for the entertainment of your grandchildren (...that's why I posted a couple of my "make-the-kids-smile" type of images, hoping you would do the same).

BTW, here in the States, we only use the word, "Klister", for a special type of wax used in cross country skiing. I'm curious if your screen name is related to that.


