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Hello Everybody!


Active Member
What's up everyone my name is Sam, I'm 17 and I LOVE design.

My work is mainly image manipulation although I know a little about using illustrator for some logo design, I joined this site because it seem's like the first Photoshop forum that relates to me and has no immature/abusive members on.

I hope I can be a active part of your community, learn some new tricks and provide help to anyone I can with the skills I have mustered up over the past year and a half..

If anyone would like to take a peek at my work (it's not great, so be nice!) and give me your opinion please do. (Site is in progress thus some unfinished pages, lack of work and lq images)

Links below (stalk me :bustagut:)


I would ditch your site Maintenance or not It is just to slow to navigate I couldnt really navigate it. without getting bored waiting for it to load or time out. I think I got the Jist you are an advertising agency doing promo posters for movies and commercials in in the Jill Greenberg Style
