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Hello everybody !

Newbie question

Hello, new to the "community," but not necessarily to Photo Shop. I have taken some classes at my local community college, still not a "whiz" but understand enough to follow directions, EXCEPT for some of the tutorials that I run into.

One of my problems is that I follow the instructions to the letter, but for example, when it says to got Filters>Stylize>Polar .... sometimes the functions the instructions tell me to do are "grayed out" and then I'm stumped. If I did all the steps correct, why would the function I need be grayed out?

I am using the newest iMAC, with Photo Shop CS3. The only thing I can think is that the instructions are for another "version" of Photo Shop. This has happened on different "tutorials" and different authors.

Don't know if there is a "one size fits all" solution or not, but if there is something I'm missing that is blatantly obvious, someone please give me a shout.

I'm just one of them "people" that expects things to happen as descried. Thanks for listening to my whining!!
Hi Harry. It's easy to get lost in Ps and you need experience to get comfortable with the program. I think your problem is that you have omitted some minor stuff due to lack of experience with the program. I can't give you concrete advice I can just say that you should try experimenting with it and maybe you'll find the detail that keeps the command grayed out. Are you using a video or text tutorial? :)
