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hello all


Active Member
Hello to all... found your forum last night while searching the web... i have been using photoshop for just about a year now... i am using ps5 and have learned everything i know so far via youtube... i have recently added topaz labs and onone plugins to my photoshop and really love both... the first thing i am going to be looking for is help with cutting out a subject (weather a person or a car or ???) and adding that subject into a different background and getting a realistic look... i am going to be searching thru the tutorials section for a while... but if anyone can direct me to a specific thread, i am always grateful... so my first request for help would be any tips on cutting out an object (specifically a car) that has glass.... i am trying to cut out a car that the front windshield has a glare on part of the glass and i am trying to place the car into another photo with a different background and i want to keep the glare on the windshield when you look thru the windshield to see the image in the background.... clear as mud????

anyways, great forum site... i am looking forward to many hours of searching...

thanks in advance....Dave
Hi and welcome a car is easier to learn than a person but you have the topaz labs plugin suite nice to see someone new to potoshop spending more money on plugins than what photoshop costs it all adds up lol. so with the topaz suite you should have topaz remask am I right use the b;ue brush to draw the outline of the car and then use the red fill tool to discard any of the image you dont want simple. But also I would recomend the pen tool or magnetic tool as it is straight edges. Until you are experienced with the pen tool you may want to just select the car shell and then use magnetic wand or similar to add to selection for the wheels
