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Hello All


Active Member
I am a fairly adept PS user but often find myself looking to learn more. This looked like a great place to discuss PS techniques etc. so I joined up.

I enjoy discussing techniques with others, and do like sharing my work from time to time.

Here are a couple of my most recent pics. The moon one I was trying to teach a friend how to do this after he showed me a sample one of similar content. This was my attempt. The other I was just messing with lighting and stuff for fun.

Looking forward to working with others here.


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Thanks bud, yeah I had forgotten the links, then when I went to add them I didn't have enough posts. They are there now though.
Hey bud,

This guy showed me how to make a planet like the second one.. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have even started PS.. Its fun stuff tho.
Hello allen. Welcome to PSG.

The more the merrier. Join in in on the discussions. There's a lot of help to be had here and having you around to share your knowledge would benefit everyone.

I like your second image. Great stuff...
Second was is good, maybe more of the moon as a reflection in the water?
Welcome to PsG, how strange I like your first one just as much as the second one. These guys above me don't have that designer eye I guess. Oh ya, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :rocker::rocker::rocker:
Its funny the second image is actually just a test. I starting teaching a friend how to some stuff in PS, he said "this is what I want to make" and gave me a link. So I went hunting for the elements, threw it together and gave him the PSD I came up with so he could get a feel for how the layers all work. I posted it because it turned out ok imho, but I wasn't expecting much for comments.
This is just a renewed love for me, and hopefully this time I'll stick with it. I fade in and out of the graphics world for years now, maybe this time I'll make it stick lol.

Thanks for all the comments.
Well Allen, I hope you stick with it. It looks like you have the concept down and your imagination seems to be in check. Just keep in mind that we all get designer block from time to time. Just search for images that inspire you to keep going.
