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Hello all.



I started using Photoshop off and on last summer for signatures mostly. I took a high school class too last semester and got 98% xD. I'm really noob though so yeah, I hope i can learn well here. I hope to go into graphic design as a career. Oh and have cs5 on windows vista.
I just discovered this forum by chance. I was searching for some realistic sci-fi backgrounds for a personal short sci-fi movie project for youtube,and Google listed this forum, and though I'm still a newbie in Photoshop (I still use Photoshop 7.0)I use this application for matte-like digital paintings for movie or photo backgrounds,or religious digital imaging,and photo special effects. I hope to be able to post soon and get to know all the members. Thanks, for the opportunity.
HEllo tmiya88, obviously Steve didn't look close enough at your name, or his FAT fingers did that (ymiya88) :mrgreen:
TerryC lolol thanks, i'm guessing that's a friendly joke lol. Oh wait, you typed HELLo, so the upper-case part is some sort of subliminal message?... Yeah anyways, thanks for the welcome.

mjordy53 I guess you meant that to be your own introduction...., but hi there.
