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Hello All, Getting Back Into It


Taken some time off the graphics game, life got me busy with other things but after doing a couple pieces recently decided to get back into it more and browse around for info, tuts, and resources. Hope this place gives me some motivation!
Hi kegstand, welcome to PSG. Let us know if we can help, and feel free to post up some of your work :)
Hello KegStand, your name is quite unique. I remember in my younger days when I used to go to parties with Keggers. I tripped over a "KEGSTAND" and broke my foot in several places. Hope that's not why you call yourself kegstand. :redface:
Ha! Sorry to laugh at your misfortune but that was pretty funny. Just an online screen name I started using years ago in college and continue to use it to register for sites so I can remember (usually it's not taken). Thanks for the welcome hope to be around and getting back into graphics!!
NO Offense taken. I laughed my tush off when I did it too. I was kinda clumsy back then. I'm sure glad I grew out of it.
