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Hello~!! <3 ^^


Hello, my name is Eve [thats why my username is thisiseve :)] I've been playing with photoshop since i was... 9 and spend most of my time after school editing pictures and all that stuff :D and stop using it about a year ago after my own computer broke down because of viruses! I am now nearly 14 [13th July is my birthday ...i was not born on a Friday X)] and yeah... My computer will be fixed very soon after it has been deserted for a whole year and hopefully, i could come back addicted to photoshop again :D!!! YAY! :mrgreen: i would love to find some really good tutorials here. :D
Wow somebody is very bubbly and happy hello Eve welcome to the forum I am sure you will pick up lots of useful tips and tricks here
steve we seem to be following each other a lot lol I guess it is wake up time over there and all you dedicated psg's check in before you head to work my inbox is going crazy all of a sudden
