Your second post looks to be entirely the chrome or plastic effect (ah, just noticed you did that). The first one may be a number of combined effects such as plastic, chrome, etc.
I have made an example using just the glass and chrome effect.
I made duplicates of the original, made these smart objects, set them to overlay (I would continue to try other blend modes), then used the filter masks that are accessible on the smart object to diminish or remove the effects from seleceted portions of the image.
I then made a hue/sat adjustment layer above all to create total desaturation, and used this mask to remove or diminish the saturation fx.
In this case, I also made a levels adjustment and used that mask to alter where the levels changes were not not desirable to me.
This may not be exactly what you are after, but native Photoshop filters do a fair job of simulation. Plastic wrap is of course worth a try instead of the glass, or even combined with others. It appears the chrome filter has been used in both.
For more transparent effect, I would try the tuts Sam linked for you.