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Having trouble replacing color - Blue to Yellow


New Member

I have a photograph containing some metal objects that are blue, that i need to match to some other similar objects that are bright yellow.

I have tried adjustments>replace color, and I can change it to Red, Green, Purple etc, but not Yellow.

I am using CS5.


Have tried Hue, and the closest I can get is like a deep brown, boosting the saturation enough to make it yellow results in distortion and 'dirtyness'

I will keep trying and let you know if i find a solution
How about doing it in a couple of steps.
Replace Color is probably the best tool.
Get it as close as possible, close the tool out and open it again.

You could post the image here and some of us could give it a shot too
I agree with Steve, replace color filter your best bet
You can also try making the selection as light as possible and desaturated.
Create a new blank layer set it to Color, use the Picker to select the yellow, and paint with a Brush on the new layer.

Without seeing the image and trying it myself, I don't know if it will work well.
Just throwing ideas out there. :wink:

the closest I got was from the following method:

Make selection, image/adjustments/black and white, from here i converted it to grayscale, and increased the gain on the blue slider to make the luminance close to that of the yellow object. I then used the colour replace brush, and painted over with yellow.

This seemed to work OK, but perhaps could be better...

Thanks for your comments
