@OP - I hate to have to be so blunt, but your tweaked version of the original looks hideous. Her skin looks mummified. Under no circumstances would I ever let a model see that version. If I did that and it somehow got to her, I would likely never have any customers again.
I understand that you are trying to overcome the slight movement blur and slight error in focusing of the original, but those plugins are NOT the way to accomplish this. Instead, download a copy of "Focus Magic" (Google it) and give it a try. There are subtleties in using it, so give it a try, and if you are interested, I can give you some pointers about how best to use it.
Also, if you happen to be using the Creative Cloud version of PS, there is a nice new sharpening filter that was just introduced. It works a lot like "Focus Magic".
BTW, here's what one can get using Focus Magic + some dodging & burning and a bit of clean-up of her skin.