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Specific group t-shirt design 'jack daniels'


Hey my name is pim,

I am from the Netherlands, and in this summer we go with our scouting group to a large rural camp. For this camp we like to make shirts with the logo of '' jack daniels '' only with texts related to our group.

It is up to me to make these shirts, only I have no knowledge with regard to photoshop.

the idea is to replace the text "jack daniels" with ''philipsgroep".
We also want to put our names from the team in the logo. i had the idea to put the names at the bottom where now the text "distilled & bottled by'' is.
and at last we want to put the number '' 040 '' instead of the '' old NO. ''

what is sad, i have zero knowledge of photoshop. thats te reason that i drop this idea in this forum

hopefully someone is that geniuis to help me/us

kind regards
Here is what I have so far.
Let me know if you want me to change what's there. If you like it as is, let me know what names you'd like at the bottom and I'll finish it up.

JD edit.jpg
hi there,

oke it looks great.
a few things that would make ik look even greater.
could you replace "tennessee'' with ''Zeeverkenners''
and the ''Whiskey'' with ''Eindhoven'' and then replace ''sour mash'' with ''from''
so get ''Zeeverkenners from Eindhoven''

the words '' distilled & bottled by jack daniel distillery, lynchen, tenn, USA'' can be removed.
in that spot you can put our names.
Jurgen, pim, Bas (2 times), Daan, Fadi, Lars, Koen Wim and Dennis. the names dont have to bed very small, the have to fill the bottem part of the logo.

i dont know which font wil look the best so let your creativity fill it in,

i hope im not asking to much, but you are a hero, it looks great already

hi there

i really like the font of the ''zeeverkenners'',
only i think the names are a little standard, could you type them, started from the middle and maybe use another font (the one used at the top).
also could you do ''Bas & Bas'' , you can remove the comma's and just fill it with space.
the size of the letters can be a little bigger, so it fills the logo more
and the last, could you make the ''040'' with the No. and the Old,
so it will be (see below)

i think im nearly there of being statisfied.
really appreciate your help


hi there,

it sounds a little bit stupid, but my fellow staff members didnt like my/your design.
so we spoke about it and came to a conclusion that we prefer this logo with text. (see below)
the only problem we have now is that we don't have the fonts of the letter type.
could you change all the fonts of the letter types that you see below, with the Original fonts, that ar originaly on the bottle
it would be great if you can fix that.

so ''Dr. A.F. Philipsgroep'' and '' Zeeverkennersstaf '2017-2018'' with the "jack daniels'' font.
our logo of our ship can stay that way.
than you get ''quality'' it also can stay that way. but a diffrent font
then if you can make ''Eindhoven'' with the ''Tennessee'' font.
then the ''19cl'' and ''57% vol'' in the font of the Original.
then you get al lot of text, if you can adjust that with a font that looks identicaly to the font of the Original, then that would be great.
i dont know wich size letter you use but is has to fill the logo, so you dont get
hopefully you have some time to make that.

it would realy help us,

thanks alot
logo scouting.jpg
here i am again.

could you change a few things.
my friend made a new layout for the logo, its almost the same but but we moved a few things and adjusted some lines
could you make a new logo (see below) just with the same fonts that you used before.


thanks alot
Hi there

The “zeeverkennerstaf” is not straight, and there are 2 names that are stuck together.
Can u fix that for me,

That would be great

Thanks alot
