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Hi everyone!!!! Newbie here!!
Found you guys while surfing the net looking for a solution to a tutorial I am working on.
I tried to post the link to the tutorial here (otherwise you won't understand the problem I am having)......but it's not allowing me to post the link until I have 5 posts to this forum.....hmmmmm....ok....so this is post #1.....guess I'll run around and try to find 4 more places to leave my mark then I'll go to a trouble shooting thread here for CS3 and see if anyone can offer some help.
Have a great day all! :)
Yipppeeeeeeeeeeeeee post #5....off to a HELP thread to see if I can now post the link to the tutorial........I'm sure there must have been an easier way then what I just did.......but hey.....new here......got lots to learn.....thanks for your patience!!
