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Rasheed Saeed

New Member
Well, since this is an introduction, allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Rasheed Saeed, 16, from the United Kingdom, and I conceder myself to be a polymath. Meaning: I study and introduce myself into numerous of subjects, or fields. If it's not clear, this is what I do:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Cosmology
  • [Theory] Big Bang
  • [Theory] Evolution
  • [Theory] String
  • Programming: PHP, HTML/CSS, MySQL/SQL, jQuery(Though I haven't programmed in sometime(roughly a year)).
  • Geography
  • Philosophy
  • Religion
  • Mythology
I've always loved graphics design using a computer, but I really didn't bother myself with it. But, I have 168 hours a week, and spend(roughly) around 15-30 hours a week, researching, studying and improving within' the areas I investigate. I do enjoy all these subjects, but I really am interesting in design. I'll be wondering around the forums, looking for tutorials and tips to improve on my work(been roughly designing for two weeks now), and hope to meet you all.




This is me: Aren't I funny?
Welcome to the forum Rasheed. I hope you enjoy your wanderings here.

Incidentally, you're a handsome guy, but you ought to go see an opthamologist, lol!
