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Greetings from Brit'ney


Hi, UAll.......... New to the site and hoping to learn lots as well as, perhaps, be able to share the experiences I've had with Photoshop since I first got acquainted with the prog way back in the days of Photoshop 4....... Halcyon Days, eh?
Hello. I just joined myself a few minutes ago. I get a lot of nostalgia too from phptoshop. I started using it around 1995ish at my friend's house when it game on eleventy million 3.5" disks. I couldn't even tell you what version it was. I finally got my own computer and eventually got Photoshop 6. That lasted me a long time (even into this year) before I picked up CS4. Good old days eh?
Welcome both of you. I started out with 5.5 and 6 myself. 3 computers later, I'm finally up to date. This is a great forum. You'll get very good feedback here.
Been using Version 7.0 for a verrrrrry long time up until this year and then I went completely AWOL, bought an iMac with a B I G screen and updated to CS5. Shame you can't update your brain as easily......., still trying to get used to all the gizmos that have come with the Quantum Leap version. Just lurve Puppet Warp ;-}
I went from 6 to CS5 so I know what you're looking at. Just remember you still have the basic PS under all the new stuff. My solution was to pay lynda.com $25 for a month's subscription. There are the best organized tutorials on that site. Cruise over and take a look at the titles. Since I'm learning and relearning quite a few other programs, I'm still subscribed. Cheers, IB
lynda.com ... There are the best organized tutorials on that site. Cruise over and take a look at the titles.

Brit'ney, Just want to make it clear that you will get great tutorials here. Lynda.com is classroom style video without grading and without the interaction you'll find here. PS Gurus even has members (like Hoogleman) who'll make one on the spot for your specific problem. Wow. You'll get steered to even more free tutorials on the web. But most of all, you'll have support, feedback, the benefit of years of practice, immediate help (almost always someone around with suggestions), and a community that shares your obsession, uhm, I mean interest! :twisted:

Cheers, IB
Thanks for that info IB, muchly appreciated. Hoogleman sent me an easy option on my TRON problem but even that seems to evade me and I just seem incapable of emanating his style....... I've been working with PS since about '99 but there are times, like now, I feel I should be in the infants' class............. :-{

PS: The "Brit'ney" bit is where I live..... ;-)
Just check out the TRON Legacy thread on "General" where he's posted his Before and After results...........
Greetings Brit'ney,
Welcome to PSG I actually got started with Photoshop 5 & 5.5 myself back in high school. Have fun, learn a lot and I'm looking forward to seeing some of your work!
