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Greetings from Belgium

Pieter Goris

Well-Known Member
Hi Everybody,

My name is Pieter, 27 years old and living in Belgium, Europe. My native language is Dutch so it's possible that my English sometimes has mistakes to it. I'm sorry for that.

I use Photoshop for many years now but sadly I'm still a newbie. I always use it for the same things so I was never able to figure out how to use textures, brushes, etc...

I hope to find some friends here so that I can upgrade my skills a little bit. Maybe find some tutorials that I can replicated. Most of the time the problem that I stumble upon is creating a nice background with some minor texture to it that looks good.

I'll add an attachment to it so you guys can see what I'm working on currently.
I'm creating a website (Drupal) for a friend of mine that want to rent his new apartment in Spain. So he needs a site for that. The picture in the design is just for example purposes. There will be a slideshow of the apartment and it's surroundings when finished. I kept is very grey so that the pictures in it can pop out.

Many many thanks in advance for the information given on this platform.
Good to have other Dutch people on board :wink:
Tnx, you like it? I wanted to keep it greyish and simple. Hope it worked out a little bit. Maybe not the best work but...
Nice job on the spinning beach ball (Mac) part by the way! Going to follow the tutorial later tonight.

Since you want to help you might want to check out my other topic I started, I needed some help with a background texture that I can't replicate. Not that good with textures and stuff.
Many thanks in advance!
