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Specific Grayscale the picture except the sunglasses

With a Black & White Adjustment layer, you can adjust the level of grayscale.

Sample. If you like it, I can upload the larger image.
Screen Shot 2019-05-29 at 9.59.54 PM.png

Glasses left original color.
Screen Shot 2019-05-29 at 9.53.14 PM.png

Add in a Hue & Sat layer and you can make the glasses about any color you like. You choose.
Screen Shot 2019-05-29 at 10.02.27 PM.png

Add in a Curves Adjustment layer and you can lighten or darken the image. You choose.
Screen Shot 2019-05-29 at 10.10.13 PM.png
Great job guys! Question.. how did you get rid of the coloured skin areas behind the sunglasses? I tried several methods but none worked.


Great pictures everyone! Thank you. :perfect:

IamSam, do you have high res of the last 3 you posted (green, purple and blue)?
