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grayscale and color in same pic?? Help


New Member
So as a new photoshop cs3 user, I need some help and appreciate it greatly. I have searched and looked up other tutorials and things and found alot of helpful stuff, just not this exactly and as much as I try and just go on what little I do know, I can't get the result I am seeking. So here goes, and this is simple I know.. I almost feel dumb asking..

I have a photo (that I took w/ my nikon d40) and the subject in the shot I would like to leave in color and turn the rest grayscale (BW) I know it has alot to do with the masking and I got the selection masked, but after that when I attempt the Image Mode- grayscale, it turns it all the same..

I appreciate the help greatly..
CLRT+Click on the mask to make a selection. CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+I to inverse it (select everything but the subject).
Then there`s lots of ways to go greyscale.
CTRL+U>slide sat to -100
Make a new layer, set to Color mode, paint with black
Channel Mixer.....etc.
Play with it til you smile.
This is what I was missing .. :) Thanks alot..

docilebob said:
CLRT+Click on the mask to make a selection. CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+I to inverse it (select everything but the subject).
Then there`s lots of ways to go greyscale.
CTRL+U>slide sat to -100
Make a new layer, set to Color mode, paint with black
Channel Mixer.....etc.
Play with it til you smile.
