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Graphics tablets part II - This time its personal...


Well-Known Member
Hope this is in the right place

Right - Problem - I have just been having problems using my tablet, on the logon screen of my computer the tablet works fine, then when I have logged in I try to use my tablet but in one USB port it doesn't work at all and in the other USB port it works but only to about 2 3rds of the screen! I have tested both USB ports with my memory stick and they are both fine, so can't be that and with it working perfectly on the log in screen I am thinking the problem is not the tablet?

Very confused :banghead:

Hope this makes sense - If it does - Anyone else experienced a problem like this?
I had that similar thing happen with mine,( only half screen here) nt sure about ports though, I never check that, I deleted & reinstalled the program that came with it,it works fine now.... Intuous4
I second the delete and reinstall. Generally, this can solve almost any sort of serious issue (and is a great starting place for some diagnostics).
Thanks guys, just done it then, that seems to have worked ! Should have just done that in the first place but thought with it half working maybe it was another problem.... Ahhhh who am I trying to kid, I am just making excuses because I'm gutted I never thought of it first haha!

Thanks again :thumbsup:
