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Gradient tool problem.

Dejavu Shan

New Member
Screen Shot 2012-06-01 at 5.10.05 PM.png hi in photoshop cs5 whenever i am using gradient tool or just filling an empty area with a color it displays many rounds in it. how to fix this. i just want to create a simple radial rectangle box, but with all the circles in it i couldnt use it for my web page.


  • Screen Shot 2012-06-01 at 5.07.51 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2012-06-01 at 5.07.51 PM.png
    138.1 KB · Views: 5
this looks like your monitor hasn't enough colours.
Maybe you are on 16 or 24 bit color. Set it to 32bit.
this seems unlikely but is by any chance the web colors only box is checked.

try checking the dither option. i dont see any difference at my PC (with or without dither) but maybe it might help you.

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Hi, the Dither transperency and reverse all are checked, and i dont know where to disable web colors only option. Thanks for your information though.
for checking web colors click on the color pallet (the one on left foreground and BG color boxes. If this doesnt work then you might wanna try trashing your prefs and in case that doesnt work either then try uninstalling and reinstalling.

EDIT: BTW why is your layer icon green in the layers pallet.
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I think you will find web colours is not even an option on 32 bit mode I dont even think it is in 16 bit mode.

However with 32 bit mode you get new controls for colour picking, How are you applying the gradient are you using the gradient tool, gradient overlay in blending options or gradient map
What Raikkonen is saying that he is using something like team viewer to remopte access to the computer from another computer. This has very limited graphic capabiliities. hence you may get a result like this

However for some reason if this was the case the OP is remoting into a computer on the same network.

and yet takes a screen shot which clearly shows a mac window but is either cropped off not showing the mac dock.

But however this is not the case here I dont think as the image is photoshopped

the buttons on the top right of photoshop are not alligned correctly

So I am guessing you are being trolled
An explanation in pictures is fine for someone who comprehends such things. But it only took a couple of sentences from hoog to make the issue clear. Thank you Hoogle.
