Hey everybody,
As this is my first time on this site I just wanted to say whats up and ask if anybody would would like to help me out with something. I am a marketing student and therefore have 0 artistic talent. I have never owned Photoshop, but i think it is a very interesting program and respect anyone who can use it well. Currently, I am trying to make a poster promoting a party that is going to be happening at my school. It will be a glow party (you know glow sticks, rave music, that kind of thing). So I decided that making a small flier (something that would fit in a facebook group invite) promoting the party would make things look official. While I may be in the wrong forum, I feel like many of you have skill with manipulating Photoshop effects, especially including text. So I am asking if anyone would be interested in making it for me for fun. I can give you more details if anyone is interested.
As this is my first time on this site I just wanted to say whats up and ask if anybody would would like to help me out with something. I am a marketing student and therefore have 0 artistic talent. I have never owned Photoshop, but i think it is a very interesting program and respect anyone who can use it well. Currently, I am trying to make a poster promoting a party that is going to be happening at my school. It will be a glow party (you know glow sticks, rave music, that kind of thing). So I decided that making a small flier (something that would fit in a facebook group invite) promoting the party would make things look official. While I may be in the wrong forum, I feel like many of you have skill with manipulating Photoshop effects, especially including text. So I am asking if anyone would be interested in making it for me for fun. I can give you more details if anyone is interested.