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Glad I found this place. Maybe some one coul help


New Member
I have lost half my marque tools. All I have are the rectangular and ellipse tools and the column and row tools. No freeform, no curved corner rectangular, and polygon marque.

Anyone have any ideas?
I have lost half my marque tools. All I have are the rectangular and ellipse tools and the column and row tools. No freeform, no curved corner rectangular, and polygon marque.

Anyone have any ideas?

click on Edit, Preferences > General. Within the General Preferences dialog box you have an option of clicking on "Reset All Tools" try clicking this and it may help.
First, hold down all three Ctrl+Alt+Shift buttons

Now "while keeping those button held," simply open Photoshop or a file that opens with Photoshop

As Photoshop loads, you should get a prompt asking if you would like to "delete the Photoshop settings file", Click yes.

You may need to try this more than once as some times it dosen't always work the first time.
Can't find half my marque tools

Thanks, but it hasn't helped. I am a new user (about 4 weeks) and maybe I am looking in the wrong place. I click on the button in the tool box with a square shape with dotted lines. Isn't that where they are found?
Marquee tool options

I too was looking for the marquee options that I had used before.
To find the "other than regtangular marquee options" right click on the regtangular tool and other options do become available, but I don't have freeform, curved corner rectangular, and polygon marque either.

I knew I used the marque tool in a classroom setting and as usual, the instructors didn't disclose what version they were teaching from and I didn't ask for that clarification. I currently have version 9.0.2, PhotoShop CS2.
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