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.gif CS4 help


I know how to import a file for making an animated .gif from a .mov file but I need to add a few extra layers, to it (images that I did) I have the animation window and all is fine with the images from movie, but when I add another image to the layers palate to the right it does not show up on animation strip.My question is, How do I add a new layer to include it in animation strip,when I add a new layer there it just duplicates layers there already, any of you guys have a suggestion or idea??

Using CS4
Hi iDad, when you have animation on, you need to select a new timeline window, then once you have done that you then need to click on the laery that you want to add to the new timeline window.

Dose this help ill stay longed on for 30 min to try and help out if not :)
not on right computer I'll check that later and let you know....Thanks!
Well as im prob going to be in be iDad lol, I'll leave you with this youtube video
Ok I'm on a Mac How do you do what KRF said. in Mac terms? I have never used a PC,anyone know?
No problem anytime
