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Free_Stylin' - Fun with Styles


New Member
Howdy Folks,
This is my first post, so please be patient if I don't get it right the first time....!

This is a very very cool site - I hope to contribute & learn from here as much as possible in future...!
( Hard to do with a 2YO Son in tow - Isaac, he's Amazing - sorry! )

I've been using PS now, off & on, for quite a few years & there's still soooo much to learn... it never ends!

Here's a neat trick I learned a few yeras ago, ( which I'm sure some of you already know )

1) Create a new transparent layer, apply the style you want to the layer with nothing in it

2) Now either using your Mouse or a Tablet Pen, ( if your're lucky enough to have one )
start to Brush on the layer with a Medium to Large Brush with any colour ( colour doesn't matter ).

In Real_Time the style is added to whatever your stroke is or you can just select areas to Fill with any colour.

This is perfect for any "Freeform" shapes you want to create or the "Hand-Written" Text look with a style applied.

If the style doesn't look right once you're done, you can still edit the settings like normal or just scale it up or down to your heart's content.

I haven't had a chance to read through all the areas of this community, so if I've doubled-up or come close to someone else's Tip / Trick, forgive me.
I just love this technique alot...!

Cheers, have fun & a great Day / Night...wherever you are!


PS: Refer below pic' which I've quickly created with a mouse to give an example
