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Free Transform and reference points

You can change the unit of measurement in the reference point window (X and Y) by right clicking. But there is no option for percentage that I have found!

Screen Shot 2024-08-16 at 10.52.12 AM.png
Thought since my pref - units were set to percent, why was that stuck on px

Did not know you could right click and get that list ... thanks !
Thought since my pref - units were set to percent, why was that stuck on px
Yeah......I agree!!! I have tried everything I can to change that to percent. I've not had any success! But I will keep looking!
... was trying out something with an action, and needed those references to work on percent.
There are a lot of creative forum members. If you are having trouble with implementing something in an action, sometimes, if you describe what the end result you are trying to achieve, forum members might be able to provide some creative solutions or alternatives.
Just a thought.
John Wheeler
There are a lot of creative forum members. If you are having trouble with implementing something in an action, sometimes, if you describe what the end result you are trying to achieve, forum members might be able to provide some creative solutions or alternatives.
Just a thought.
John Wheeler
Thanks John

Action inserts diamond shapes onto image.

I wanted to expand that action to accurately place the diamond shapes in the 4 corners,
but needed the reference to allow “percent” so I could use it on different size images.

I wanted to expand that action to accurately place the diamond shapes in the 4 corners,
but needed the reference to allow “percent” so I could use it on different size images.
You can use the aligment function to place the shapes in the corners.

What exactly do you need % values for? To align or to scale?
You can use the aligment function to place the shapes in the corners.

What exactly do you need % values for? To align or to scale?
Not seeing how to use an alignment feature. What tool or you referring to ?

% values would have been used to align.
Just an idea......don't know if it will work for your needs.

Four triangle layers, 2 up and 2 down.
Screen Shot 2024-08-17 at 10.45.50 AM.png

Select all (Cmd + A) or select a panel.
Select a down triangle layer
Position with (Move Tool) and alignment controls
Upper left
Screen Shot 2024-08-17 at 10.46.20 AM.png

Upper right
Screen Shot 2024-08-17 at 10.46.48 AM.png

Select a up triangle layer
Position with (Move Tool) and alignment controls
Lower left and lower right.
Screen Shot 2024-08-17 at 10.47.17 AM.png

Cmd + D to deselect.
Here are some step-by-step ideas if you need to work with squares.
Start with your image and four rectangles on their own Layers

Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 10.36.13 AM.jpg

With the Picture Layer and first rectangle selected, you use the alignment tools under the move tool to shift to the left and up to the top

Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 10.36.41 AM.jpg

Then, with just that first move rectangle Layer selected, use the transform tool. Note that the reference point is set to the upper left corner, then rotated by -45 degrees:

Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 10.38.10 AM.jpg

One can do the same for the next rectangle to the lower left corner. Again, with the frame Layer and the second rectangle selected, with the move tool, align to the left and then down to position in the lower left corner.

Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 10.39.16 AM.jpg

With the second square Layer selected, you transform, with the reference point being the lower left corner, and rotate 45 degrees

Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 10.40.02 AM.jpg.

Here is the image with the first two squares completed:

Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 10.40.25 AM.jpg

Just some more ideas to consider
John Wheeler
@dannac Another idea and just a few questions..............

Are the frame rails and stiles on separate layers? Or do you have the (left and right) stiles together on one layer and the (top and bottom) rails together on one layer?

Are you masking the corner (45º) angles or are you deleting them?

Is the frame width always the same or do they vary? If they vary, how are you creating the corner blocks?

Are you using guides? (Guides are too easy to add, just select the layer and drag from the ruler and snap.....just make sure you have snap and snap to turned on under VIEW)

Screen Shot 2024-08-17 at 2.43.18 PM.png Screen Shot 2024-08-17 at 2.43.23 PM.png

If the frame rails and stiles widths vary, you would need to make multiple actions for each width. Which also means that you have to make the corner blocks for each width. Then an action will be the best option if you are using the same frame widths all the time.

However, in the time you spend making the corner blocks, you could make a quick and easy selection at the top and bottom with the Polygonal Lasso Tool (Or Pen Tool) and the guides like this...
Screen Shot 2024-08-17 at 2.56.49 PM.png

Delete or fill with black if you are using a layer mask...
Screen Shot 2024-08-17 at 2.57.04 PM.png

Done! Faster than making the corner blocks.
Screen Shot 2024-08-17 at 2.57.43 PM.png
Screen Shot 2024-08-17 at 3.21.46 PM.png
@dannac Another idea and just a few questions..............

Are the frame rails and stiles on separate layers?
Yes ... all separate layers
Are you masking the corner (45º) angles or are you deleting them?
Masking used in corners
Is the frame width always the same or do they vary? If they vary, how are you creating the corner blocks?
Always the same ... 200px.
If I find the frame too large or small, I adjust the photo.
Frame colors are taken from the photo.
I like John's method for creating the blocks.
Are you using guides? (Guides are too easy to add, just select the layer and drag from the ruler and snap.....just make sure you have snap and snap to turned on under VIEW)
Centered and outer guides.
This is done within the action when the canvas is expanded.

Thanks for all that info .... more idea's and I'm seeing ways to improve the action.
