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Free Plug-in - Wide Histogram


If you use 16 bit Photoshop capabilities this is valuable...

Wide Histogram gives an enhanced histogram tool for 16-bit images. The plug-in provides a 512, 768, or 1024 pixel wide histogram, giving between 2 and 4 times the resolution of Photoshop's built-in histogram tool. This is a must if you are interested in the details of the histograms of your 16-bit images. We provide 8 modes for the histogram, including RGB, Red, Green, Blue, Colors, Hue, Saturation, and Luminance.

Really what I like.

Thanks a lot, Santa.
(BTW: better watch out, there are Borgs around...)
I think Eric is calling me out.

Thanks Welles. From your post, does the *We provide..* mean that you are part of this organisation?

If so, you must have a lot of fun. :righton:

The other tools look like fun, pity I don't have the justification to buy them at this time.

Rantin Al,

From your post, does the *We provide..* mean that you are part of this organisation?

Nope. I think I just copy-and-pasted some of the descriptive text from the Reindeer Graphics web page. We almost never speak of ourselves in the third person. :D
(PSD) Sergiy

Looks like, you are brothers with Santa Claus ... or may some genetic problems! Just kidding... :(
