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Free Photoshop work editorial


Today I responded to a post with my opinion about free work and not being able to pay. A couple of private messages later and a response about me being a little harsh, brings me to starting this post.

I feel that if we, as people who have invested money and hundreds of hours to learn to use Photoshop, do not value those skills then no one will. Doing work for free says to people that those skills are trivial and without value. I disagree, they do have value, so why would I give them away?

Is there another field where people expect you to apply your time, skills and energy by working for absolutely nothing? Is there any business I can call and expect to actually get something when I begin the conversation with, "I'm not able to pay anything"? I can't think of one.

Is it harsh to expect people to appreciate what we do, and therefore be willing to pay for the time and the skills required to do it?

I've seen more than one thread on this and other sites about needing work. And on the same board day after day there are people asking to have work done for free, and getting it. Then they come back and ask for more, but why wouldn't they?

I'm more than happy to help people learn, and I think my postings attest to that fact, but I am no longer going to do freebies, period. I don't expect my decision will have a great impact, there will always be plenty of others willing to work for free.
I agree with you 100%. Just because the word "free" lies within freelancer - doesn't mean it is! However sadly - there will always be someone willing to do it and look like the hero! I don't know about you but 3 years of studies with 1000's of $ of expenses on these studies, programs, add-on's ect... its only fair to be rewarded if you have an ability others lack and require. I have done some work for others that want something done for free or for small change and they end up giving you the most hassles.

I am changing my job title to Fee-lancer! haha
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I agree completely with both of you.
You two are among a group of professionals here that earn a living doing this work and you should be paid for your work.

Ralph I obviously know you from here but I've read your posts on at least one other forum going back more than a year and there's no question you're about helping folks out.
Laurynnem, I only know you from here but since you've been a member you've shown a willingness and ability to help our members out.

That's the primary purpose of this forum.
To help our members to use PS

This isn't the place you guys are going to get a lot of business from, but there will be a ton of "Can you (fill in the blank) for me for free" posts.

Why get yourselves upset?
Ignore these folks and have glass of wine instead. :wink:

It (almost ) always works for me.
lol... I have already had one (a glass of wine) since... It did help with my sorrows....
It is a very frustrating situation. I have seen a few freelancers go crazy over the subject.
I rarely drink so wine not an option YUK!, I just turn the page, live and learn.
Setting the record straight. I have nothing against anyone working to get compensated for their efforts. I am a buyer for a MAJOR Billion Dollar Manufacturing Company and they pay me well for doing it. We all have bills to pay. I don't disagree with anything that has been said above me. Except maybe the wine comment. (I don't drink)

But could we not make fun, verbally slap, or belittle those members who don't have anything of value to compensate your efforts. Steve made the comment, "If anyone wants to help him out for free go ahead, if not, just walk away". That's great advise. The psychological effects that rejection has on people is devastating.

I personally want to thank all our Gurus, and professional people who help out here. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have the knowledge I have today.

Added thought, just for giggles you asked a question, "Is there another field where people expect you to apply your time, skills and energy by working for absolutely nothing? Is there any business I can call and expect to actually get something when I begin the conversation with, "I'm not able to pay anything"? I can't think of one." I got in my car to go get supper and what should be playing on the radio? the answer to your question, a preacher.
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I agree it's good advice and I will refrain from commenting in the future regarding requests for free work. I stand by my prior statement though, everyone can offer to pay something even if it's minimal. But if people are willing to do it for free, why should they? In business we used to call similar practices, "out-dumbing the competition".

Enough said.
I come to think of a when I was fresh in the PhS business and wanted to get in, so among other things for free I did 95% of the graphics for a webstore with lots of products. Even built product boxes from descriptions since they didn't exist yet. The "agreement" with the store owner was that she would send "lots of work" my way ... And with the protocol in hand - the ammount of work sent my way adds up to 0. Nothing, nill, njet, nada !!
Downside is that if you break into the business as someone doing work for nothing, your reputation precedes you and you will be expected to continue not charging. Word of mouth is strong and fast there ... ""Out-dumbing the competition" - yeah, that's a good discription and it can just as well backfire on you.

Another "funny" thing is that before I went all English, I teamed up with an Online Photo School selling Photoshop classes in Swedish. Two try-out classes was offerd for free, but when people signed up for the real class and got billed for it, many times they responed with: "I thought it was for free! I won't pay for anything, f*ck you very much !!!"

It's a completely different situation in the Model Photography line of work where it may clearly state that it's TFP-work asked for (Time For Print). Then at least you get to choose if you want to do the job and in return you can use the retouched images for your own portfolio. Can be valuable to you if you get the right clients.

I've also lost a number of corporate clients to others they had found, willing to do the job for free. So - by all means - go with them, but they have later wanted to return. Just to find I don't have time for them anymore...

Ok - enough ranting. To get back to the actaul subject - NO! I wouldn't even start up the comp for anyone not wanting to compensate for my work anymore ! Period !!

And to add something to the discussion: A normal agreement is that you agree with a client to deliver on a specified date, allow for one or two revisions for possible corrections - and then deliver the job. Depending on the agreement there may be an advance payment deposited to consolidate the deal.
You are 100% correct.

I saw a "similar post" in this forum and thought to myself: a free logo?
lol... The sad part is there are way to many who will gladly do work for free. Another irritation: When you get a client who asks you to do samples for them - which you do - then once you have spend hours doing something... They don't respond when you send them through and THEN when they do... They say oh sorry for not responding to your last 3 emails... but I have found someone else to help me out, sorry I wasted your time. :mad2:

When I responded with - thanks for letting me know - he says - I wanted to see what designs you did first before I'd let you know... (What?)
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Yes - do I know about that.. ? Been there - done that...
Unfortunately, selling your work can involve a lot of footwork and it's a bummer to be rejected in that manner. The positive side of it is that you have spent time doing something you can put in your portfolio or web gallery you can point other potential clients to.
But I do agree it is irritating. In par with the ones who's asking you for a number of different variants of a design - and then turn around and want to redo the whole thing...
I agree with the portfolio part - sometimes you end up adding something you wouldn't usually have done on your own. So the plus side is no work ever goes wasted.

In par with the ones who's asking you for a number of different variants of a design - and then turn around and want to redo the whole thing...

Or end up after a number of changes going back to the original design.
No, that's the moment you realize you have more self control than those that lie to save the almighty buck.
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Hi, all!
I am not in PS business. I just do some free lance sometimes, teach and consult. In everyday life I do math, programming and algorithm creation. Just outline your problem and after a while I'll tell you how it can be solved(if at all, that is...:cheesygrin:).

PS for me is just another programme - not that good enough, actually, but pretty interesting...

So, I can do something for free, in case it's really challening, interesting and new.

If the job asked is just hard, manual work - I wouldn't even consider it. If all it takes is just reading the manualls - I wouldn't even consider it. If it is just boring and pesky job - I wouldn't even look at it.

But if it is something that'd never been done before - if it's a real problem - I will work my mind over it for weeks:cheesygrin:
No, that's the moment you realize you have more self control than those that lie to save the almighty buck.
Yes, you're right.
I just throw a couple of fresh cats to the Lizadboy, have him pick up the clients scent and then just sit back and watch the show ... :twisted:
Indeed it does ! That's what I would call "comissioned work" ... :bustagut:

Ok - now I've pulled the Lizad into this but maybe we should stop there before it becomes a case for Steve again ...
You remeber what happened last ...
a little bit of humor goes along way, thread still on track, carry on ;)
