You could get an image and if it isn't of the same size, transform it to make it a bit bigger. Now you will have to make your jersey a selection on its own layer.
Next you will need to make a displacement map. To do this all you need to do is right click on the transformed jersey and choose "duplicate layer." Awindow will pop up. Where it says document, click on the drop down and choose new. Enter a name, click OK, and a new document will open. Flatten it (layer>flatten), then save as your MAP.
Go back to your original layer and choose your jersey, go to filter>distort>displace. For the time being, use the defaults, click OK, choose your MAP psd and click open. It will now put creases in your shirt. It may move things over so you'll have to mask or erase. Alternatively, go back (cmd/ctl + z or history) and do the filter again. Experiment with the settings. I would give you more technical advice but I've never used it. I think shadows move the displace down to the right and and whites up and left. Or vice versa, lol.
Hope this helps.