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First member to name it.


Former Member
Ok members of PSG the first member who can think of a speed challenge for us all to do (just to keep our PSG fingers active) gets a like from at least ten members:mrgreen:.

From the first member who ever it is posting the challenge we all have 48 hrs from that post time to make an entry - keep it clean and fun.

And yes the member who makes the challenge can enter the challenge.
Chris. My mind is mud since I am up three or four hours early, 2 hours already. I keep thinking Im ust have some imaginative idea and you have already posted challenges of your own, but I just can't think of one to top the master of imaging and imagination! (ie: chrisdesign)

I hate you! :bustagut:

OK, well maybe only a litle and maybe only sometimes . . .
. . . but you know I love you, right?
@Chris. My mind is mud since I am up three or four hours early, 2 hours already. I keep thinking Im ust have some imaginative idea and you have already posted challenges of your own, but I just can't think of one to top the master of imaging and imagination! (ie: chrisdesign)

I hate you! :bustagut:

OK, well maybe only a litle and maybe only sometimes . . .
. . . but you know I love you, right?

Hi Clare
Maybe I misunderstood what Paul was asking for. As you know my native language is german. Let's wait for Paul's comment in the meantime.
I love you too.:thumbsup:
Nice one chris, clare where's your explosive entry?
