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filling in the lines


Hey guys,
So my friend is making these designs on paper and i am tasked to put them into photoshop. The problem is when i scan them in they are patchy they look horrible. Is there a quick way to fill in the lines or do i need to find a better way to transfer drawings onto the computer such as a better scanner?
Black Lines

Your scanner is probably fine. Scan the lines into Photoshop. Use them as a template. Choose your path tool. Open up the Paths palette. Make sure fill is 0 and black is selected for the stroke. Go back to your layers and make sure you click on a new layer. This will be the line layer. Line up with the template you scanned that below the path layer. Click with the pen tool at the beginning of the line. This will create the first point. Move to the end of line without letting go of your mouse. VERY IMPORTANT: hold the shift key down. When you click at the end of the line you will have a perfectly straight path. Go back to the path palette. Choose the width of the stroke to match your scan. You can also change the color by clicking on the color palette in the left hand corner.
Good luck!
