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Fill not working


New Member
Hi all! I'm new here and to Photoshop. Now that I've found someplace that explains how to use it, I'm having a lot of fun, but I've run into a problem.

I was doing one of the tutorials and the directions called for creating a selection and filling it. Unfortunately, the Fill command is not available - it is shaded out. No matter what I do, such as selecting different tools, inverting selections, etc. I can't use Fill. Do I have a wrong setting or something? This is probably just a stupid newbie question, but any help would be appreciated.

Thanks for your time.
Welcome to the forum lpeagler! :)

Offhand, I can't imagine why your "fill option" (the paintbucket) wouldn't be available... unless you're trying to fill text or a vector shape? [confused] What version of Photoshop are you using? I might point out that you should be selecting the paintbucket from the tools pallette!Don't use the Edit/Fill option which is intended for another purpose. ;)
Hi lpeagler and welcome to the board :righton:

It might be interesting to know which tutorial you're doing, so that one of us can follow the steps to see where things went wrong.
Now we're guessing, since there can be numerous reasons why this option is greyed out.
wbiss said:
Welcome to the forum lpeagler! :)

Offhand, I can't imagine why your "fill option" (the paintbucket) wouldn't be available... unless you're trying to fill text or a vector shape? [confused]

Errrr...doh! [oops] Yep, that was it - vector shape. Told ya I new to this! Excuse me while I slink off in embarrassment. ;\ I'm sure I'll be back to ask more stupid questions, though. Thanks for your help!
lpeagler, that's an easy mistake to make...I've done it myself :) Don't hesitate to ask questions here! And welcome to the boards. B7
:) Glad you figured it out lpeagler ;) FYI...No such animal as a stupid question. ;)
Welcome to the board lpeagler, the only way we get answers is ask, and no-one here makes you feel our questions are stupid. Am very new too, and have nothing but good to say about this board.
Welcome to the forum lpeagler! :)

Offhand, I can't imagine why your "fill option" (the paintbucket) wouldn't be available... unless you're trying to fill text or a vector shape? [confused] What version of Photoshop are you using? I might point out that you should be selecting the paintbucket from the tools pallette!Don't use the Edit/Fill option which is intended for another purpose. ;)

Hi Wendy. I love that quote. I'm having problems with Photoshop CS4. I can't use the fill function to fill rectangular marquees. And I don't have a PaintBucket Option in the tools palette. Any suggestions? Thanks!

All best!
Uh duh, I figured it out :thumbsup: The Paint Bucket is in the palette tools under the Gradient tool. This is a great site! Thanks to all!
