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File Browser PS7


Power User
In a post by DigiGuy: Where the File Browser is located simply drag what ever Pallet you want to this location and drop it in that window and it attaches itslef there. You don't see the File Browser in my screen capture because I for one don't see a use for it. But that's just me!

I have found quite a few interesting purposes for the File Browser in PS 7. Below are some of them:

1.) Browsing files within Photoshop itself for images and creative ideas.

2.) Browsing files on my hardrive for photos or graphics I've lost (lol).

3.) Browsing images stored in the Temporary Internet Folder for those wanting to study and analyze how graphics are sliced up for web pages.

How about you ... found any good uses for the File Browser in PS 7?
;) I use the "file browser" option ALL THE TIME!!! %} :D I love it! It saves loading and browsing images using a 2nd application, while working in PS! ;)
Thanks for the tips C9mouse, maybe that'll get me interested for Photoshop's file browser...

I still prefer Window's thumbnails; works much faster and there is no need for a second program. And all the extra options of the file browser? Who really needs them and the ones I would like to use, like the 'rotate' function, don't even work properly [confused]
Another nifty little thing the File Browser came in handy for me for was when I was writing tutorials. When writing the tutorials I would sometimes make reference to different Tools in PS (the Pen Tool, etc.), and using the File Browser I located all the pics of Photoshop's tools in the Help file and used each one as a visual aid when explaining it.
;) Very good point C9!

Windows thumbnails are great, but they don't work on all files... I use the file browser in PS to "snoop into" the most unlikely files :)
Top Pros Comment on the File Browser:

Lynda Weinman -I love the file browser. It's probably my favorite new feature. Since I do a lot of web work and web training, I find the color profiles for web publishing to be useless and turn them off. Since browser software doesn't support color profiles, and even ImageReady doesn't support them, I see no reason for Adobe to impose them in a web publishing context.

Martin Evening -I would be lost without the File Browser, which enables me to quickly preview, rank and rename images. Plus the File Browser is able to display any of the metadata contained in the image file, which provides me with valuable information. The whole metadata issue has huge implications for the future of image asset management and the way photographers will in future be able to distribute and access their image files.

Check the source page for even more insights by the pros:

Yeah,...it's all true...Yet I prefer Irfanview for all browsing work as it's a small application (like a Vespa) that has no problems with crosstown traffic jams while huge trucks like Photoshop are held up for hours.
It depends on the way you work I suppose. Irfan opens immediately and has a nice thumbs preview. It allows to open PS or any other image application with a shortcut, etc etc. I can also simply drag any thumb unto PS to immediately open it. Even when the original is on another puter that is network-linked.

I find that Photoshop is already MUCH too dinosaur-like. A modular approach should be an enormous step forward. Doing everything within one app makes everything go wrong when one thing does. And there's so much most people never ever use. Yet: I'm pretty shure you'll read how the pro's will write in the near future that the Image Browser in PS7 was only rudimentary, and slow, and crash-prone, but that now, in 8, it is really a must have. And if I'm wrong about the IB, it'll be about other features. When it's buying time, they're praised straight into heaven. And when it's buying time again, they have to go down the drain and be replaced by the new folks on the hill...
I remember how, at the Adobe forum, they tried to kill off a pro who dared to criticise PS7 (or 6,5 as some called it...)

I use PS as my pixel pusher app as that is what it's best for.
The rest is done with Irfanview, and, for textures, with TextureMaker (the former I-Tex as that texture filter is not my liking.
I use the Browser almost daily when looking through large folders of images. One of the lesser known features which I use is Export Cache, available through the File Browser Palette Menu. It allows one to archive images with the Browser info cached as a text file on a burned CD. The CD full of images loads very quickly back into the Browser as a result.
Good tip! Welles

Will have to remember that one when I make future backup CD's for my images.

Erik wrote:Yeah,...it's all true...Yet I prefer Irfanview for all browsing work as it's a small application (like a Vespa) that has no problems with crosstown traffic jams while huge trucks like Photoshop are held up for hours.

:bustagut: ... so true, Erik. Yes, I've been using irfanView myself for a while now. It's an awesome little app (and still free).
