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Feathering Question


New Member
Does anyone know why 250px is the maximum feathering size? When dealing with high-res images, 250px is often not high enough to get the desired effect. Is there any way to increase this? Or a technique to simulate higher values?
It depends on what you want to achieve. It would be easier to suggest something given an example. Cheers
I'm particularly after vignetting. I create the ellipse around the edge of the image, then invert selection, fill with black etc, but then the maximum feathering or gaussian blur I can create is 250px, which on a 5000-ish sized image isn't quite soft enough.
This may sound silly but can you shrink image down, do what you need then just expand it again?
I had actually considered that :)
For something as simple as a softened circle I don't think I'd lose that much from doing that.
Good luck, let us know if it works if you do try it

btw create a smart object first if you can
