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Fast Channels/Alpha Channels selection!


If you use ctrl+Alt+[Numbers], you are actually selecting different channels, it's a shortcut for selecting the transparency of any channel (including alpha ones, VERY useful [that is, if you remember their order]!!!!)
CTRL+ALT+~ =composite Also called the Claw (*)
CTRL+ALT+1 =red
CTRL+ALT+2 =green
CTRL+ALT+3 =blue
CTRL+ALT+4 =alpha channel #1...
And so one for CYMK, LAB...

(Look in the channels palette, you can see the shortcut for every channel, especially useful for foreign languages, where the "~" might be replaced by another character.)
I don't know why but I always added Shift to that combo... [shhh]

(*) the Claw is a very useful tip that can be used in numerous techniques.
For instance, it can be used to fight under/overexposition .
You duplicate the layer, select the composite values, create a Layer Mask it will apply the current selection as a mask, you may need to blur it, invert it, then change the blending mode of the layer to screen. voila! picture is highlighted
Cool sPECtre ! B7 I didn't know about this shortcut to select individual channels! ;)
I've just finished "playing" a bit and I see great potential! ;)
Thanks for sharing! :D
