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Specific Face Swap #77


My brother is having his birthday in two weeks and he just got accepted as a firefighter, his childhood dream. I recently came across a Lego ad of a kid building a firefighter suit.
I had the idea to photoshop my brother's face in the Lego Ad (lego was his other childhood passion), but as you can see in attach, I miserably failed. Can someone help me make it look more professional? If it's possible with the light on the face like in the original, that would also be amazing (not sure if that would make it look nicer or not though).

Files here : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_xkSdoT4U95BT35Wk9uu8kpxSBTLUClR?usp=sharing

Schermafbeelding 2023-07-26 om 16.00.47.png
